Friday, April 3, 2009

Menu 4/6-4/12

I'm trying to get back in the habit of doing this. I cooked.... a little this week. Its spring break and Josh wanted to eat out a little, plus I was really really feeling sick yesterday so I didn't feel like spending a of time in the yah. Next week won't be a truly normal week with me going out on Wednesday and Good Friday services...but I'm going to try and cook a little more than I have this week!. I've been perusing the Pioneer Woman's site I'm gonna give some of her stuff a try again this week.

Monday: Chicken Scallopine, bread and salad (Josh will not, absolutely no way come hell or high water have a I'm gonna try really really hard to make this sauce with the mushrooms and pick them out of his sauce. I'm a really really good wife, right? :-)) I however...LOVE mushrooms and can't wait to try this! YUM
Tuesday: Out
Wednesday: I'm going to Oceanaire (downtown) with the surgeon I used to work for and some work friends! Yay for having a Dr. friend who wants to take me out for an expensive dinner! (I'd probably never get to go here otherwise...its a really smancy seafood place...if you couldn't already tell from name) The boys are on their own....maybe pizza or beans and weenies :-)
Thursday: Country Fried Steak, mashed potatoes, green beans
Friday: It's Good Friday....we usually go to the Good Friday Service and end up eating out afterwards....I imagine we'll keep that tradition
Saturday: Grilling out...hamburgers, chicken or brats or something...unless its raining!
Sunday: Easter. Is it funny that I have absolutely no idea what we are doing for Easter? Its kind of funny to me. I should figure this out....

And sometime this week I am making THESE cinnamon rolls !!!! OH MY GOODNESS they sound/look FABULOUS!

1 comment:

swonderful said...

Luke doesn't eat mushrooms either, but Clark and I loooove them. :)