Monday, May 23, 2011

Wes 7-7.5 months

Ok, I'm behind on this post. Wes is well into his seventh month :)


Weight: 16 lbs 3/4 oz (we are calling this: 17 lbs :))
Length: 27 1/2 inches
Head: I have no idea. Normal.

Wes transitioned to a size three pamper about two weeks ago. He is wearing 6-9 month clothing and his legs are nice and chubby.

Sleeping: He sleeps all night. Generally bedtime is somewhere between 8-9 PM and lately he is waking up between 6-6:30 AM to nurse and then goes back to sleep until about 8-8:30. He takes a solid morning nap and a solid afternoon nap. These naps are getting longer and more consistent. He will still fall asleep easily in the car if we are out and about.

Eating: He nurses about every four hours now. Really, he is nursing a WHOLE lot less these days. We get in a really good session in the morning and before bed, but during the day is more like snacking. I am not consistent with solids ever. He gets oatmeal some mornings, not all. In general, I share a little bit of whatever we are having with him (unless its french fries or something...although a member of our family who shall remain anonymous did decide to give him a french fry :)) Giving him a little of whatever we are having has made me do a better job of cooking health(ier) food. So, that is good. As long as what I'm making isn't terribly high in sodium (and I've really been working hard to cut back on sodium) then, I share. For example he has had:
sweet potato fries
black beans
baby carrots
green beans
chicken and noodles
and I have given him some purees as well from Ella's kitchen and he loves those...and its fun because they mix a whole bunch of different stuff together like...parsnips, carrots and apples (shew!) so I know he's getting a wide variety on taste!
He has chewed on things like:
carrots sticks
apple slices
raw broccoli

I didn't feed Owen like this at all. I did the mainstream thing. Rice cereal first. Then rice cereal mixed with fruit. Then stage one baby foods. Then stage two baby foods. Then at nine months a bit of table food. You get the idea. Anyways, from everything I've read...there is no reason a baby can't have what you are eating within reason (unless you have a history of food allergies in your family...we have none that I know of). Wes has done really well. Clearly, he likes food. We have had a few instances of gagging and ONE time where I had to save his life a little bit during a choking episode...but, Owen gagged and choked on purees. Its just really important to be with your baby while he is mater what it is...he could choke on a dissolvable snack or a banana slice really....and the theory behind letting him try more solid food is that he will learn how much he can put in his mouth and how far back to move his food. Its really amazing to watch him learn...he's really getting the hang of it :) Anyways, this whole theory is based upon the fact that babies don't need anything except breastmilk or formula until they are a year old and older. So "under one? just for fun". :) My pediatrician has affirmed this for me and she's happy with the way things are going food we'll stay the course :) (clearly, he doesn't have a weight no worries there!)

Mobility: None yet really. He sits unassisted really well. He has recently taken to diving from a sitting position onto his belly, but has not yet gotten himself up to a crawling position. He does roll...but doesn't really scoot yet. Soon, I'm sure. My pediatrician told me that they don't even consider crawling a milestone yet. I'm not worried at all.

Personality: He's a momma's boy :) We knew that early on :) He is just a bit more dramatic than his older brother. He has a streak of fiery red-headed passion...its going to be interesting to see this develop! He is also very sweet, very smiley and generally happy. He just wants to be entertained and not ignored, ever.

We love him. He's great. I'm so glad my boys have each other!

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