Friday, May 28, 2010

20 week check up and ultrasound

BB2 is looking good! We got to take a look at our peanut (who is not really a peanut anymore, I suppose) yesterday...and our ultrasound revealed that everything checked out great! Josh and I both thought that we caught the gender (obviously if we thought we saw it, we thought we saw "boy parts" ) but after talking to the technician and thinking about what we saw, we are convinced that what we saw isn't conclusive :-) It could have been the cord or a hand. We didn't do an in between the legs shot and the ultrasound tech said that while she caught the gender, she thought it would have been next to impossible for us to tell. Ok. So...I'll try to act surprised when I give birth to another beautiful boy in October! ha ha! OR, I'll be really really surprised when my baby is proclaimed a girl! Really, I supposed its still a mystery, its just hard to believe that something in between the legs is parts :-)

We got to see all four chambers of the heart, all of the vital organs, the spine and a QUICK side profile shot...this little one was moving around SO MUCH that it was really hard to get measurements! And...I will post the ultrasound pictures eventually (we are having a little computer trouble at home), but the profile pic is blown up and very blurry because its the best the tech could get with all of the movement! I was a little dissapointed in that, but mostly just very relieved that our baby is lookin' fine :-)

My blood pressure was GREAT (better than the last two visits even), I'm finally up one pound and my sugars continue to look good (last time I failed my glucose test but passed my three hour test, so they are monitoring me more closely this time...obviously type one diabetes run in my family so I need to be watched).

Have we shared our names yet? I don't think officially.
The deal is that Josh gets to pick the boy name. We've decided on two: Benjamin Aaron or Wesley Jameson. I like them both equally! What do you think?
Our girl name is set in stone: Clare Elizabeth

Feeling really blessed and grateful to so far have to two healthy kiddos. 19 weeks to go! (I'm 21 weeks today and really am fine to stop gagging ANY DAY NOW :-))


Jessica said...

Are you still not feeling good?? I'm SO sorry!! I hope that you start feeling amazing soon! Aren't ultra sounds amazing!?! I LOVED every second of ours-it's just so crazy to see that little bug, moving and kicking and stretching and knowing that it was doing that all inside of me! Love your little girl name! Boys names were hard for us too - we only agree on one. How nice that you let Josh pick!! Anyway-have a wonderful long weekend-hope you get to feeling better soon!!!

Missy said...

i like both boy names. one of Tricia's boy's middle name is Jameson. I like that.
I like then name Benjamin too!

Benji Brown :)

You looked great this past weekend. It was wonderful to see you!

The Brown Family Blog said...

Oh Benji Browns! Ben Brown. And I even worry about that! Everyone tells me I'm crazy for worrying about two B names (as in first and last) :-) It was wonderful to see you too! What a great surprise!