Friday, May 15, 2009

Cute Owen Story

I wanted to write this one out for the memory books...mostly just for me, but some friends and family members might think its cute too :-)

Owen has been really into looking for trucks and school buses when we are driving. Yesterday, we drove down to the south-side to meet Josh for lunch and Owen and I were talking back and forth like we always do when we drive. We happened to pass a bus and Owen yelled "bye bus" as we passed and then put his hands up and said "Momma, where'd it go"? So I started to explain that the bus was taking the kids to school. To which Owen replied, "school"? So we talked about how daddy was a teacher at school, daddy worked with kids every day at school and the buses take kids to school so they can learn from their teachers. I kept going... :-) I said, "Owen...someday, when you are bigger, YOU will get to go to school. And school is so much fun. You will love it! You will get to learn to read and write and maybe you will color some pictures, or paint and you can learn about science, like Sid the Science Guy!" I continued..."and when you go to school you will make friends that you can play with outside at recess, and YOU will have a teacher that is so nice, just like Daddy is a teacher at his school". So...after I was done with my tirade, painting this glorious picture about school and how much he would love it, Owen threw his hands up in the air and said "Momma! I go! SCHOOL!" It was so cute. So I told him that he would get to go to school when he got a little older and that Momma would miss him very much when he was gone, but that I couldn't wait for him to learn lots of things and make new friends at school. He replied "Yesssss!!!!!" Ok. I just love my little guy. And, I really, really am excited to watch him grow and experience new things and yes, even go to school someday. I hope we can foster a love for learning and an excitment about going to school.
So, thats my story. My kid just gets cuter every day. Oh ya, and he is almost ALMOST able to say the entire alphabet. If you want to hear something heart-breakingingly cute...ask him to say the letter "W". Wow. I need to record him on tape saying it before he actually gets it right!

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