Monday, January 10, 2011

Life, or something like it :-)

Isn't that the name of a show? Or a book? Or something?

Anyways. :-) We are all doing pretty well. Just cruising trying to shower daily, keep my children clean, cook meals (clean up meals) and maybe (MAYBE) put away some laundry.

Owen is busy as ever. Three year olds have lots and lots of energy. Lots. Really. :-) He's a great kid. He is really into Star Wars (thanks dad) and cleaned up in that department at Christmas! We've been working on a few small school things at home. Writing his name, learning his birthday and mom's cell phone number (since we don't have a home phone....weird. What kind of world are we living in anyways!?) and being more consistent on working on Cubbies stuff (he has a bible verse to learn every week and an activity in his workbook to do).
Some interesting things he has asked me lately:
- Where does God live? (A. Heaven); Isn't God with me though? (A. YES! satisfied him for now...not ready to explain omnipresence :-))
- How did Wes get out of your belly (A. Mommies have a special place where babies come out of); Where is that place (A. On mommy's body below her I pray for this answer to satisfy him....and IT DOES! Thank you Jesus :-))
- What does "kill" mean? (A. long long pause from means to hurt someone really bad so they aren't alive anymore. And when you aren't alive anymore it means you died. That's why its not nice to say "I killed you!".) What does "died" mean? (A. It means that the person doesn't live on earth anymore and they can't talk or walk around anymore. Sometimes when people die they go to live in heaven. AHHHHH. I need a book that tells me how to answer all these questions!)

Wes is wonderful. He's really growing into a darling baby. He is sweet, he is happy (except when its dark in the car and he has spit his paci out. this situation is a recipe for serious unhappiness for Mr. Wes) He turned three months old yesterday and at his well baby check up (on 1.7) he weighed 12 lbs 9 ounces and was 26 inches long. His weight has tapered off to the 33% but he was 59% for height. Basically, he looks older than three months to me....but he isn't chunking out as much as he was right at the beginning of his life. He is still nursing every 2-3 hours during the day, but in general he sleeps all through the night...except every once in awhile when he decides that he needs a middle of the night snack :-) He still really, really loves me. Which I find adorable. He definitely has my heart. He likes to hold my hand when I'm nursing or just sitting with him...and really, he's much happier if I am within eye sight. He is in a pretty good pattern of eat, pee/poop, sleep, play during the day. We love him. A lot. I don't remember life without him. Also, he loves Owen. LOVES him. Completely gets excited when he comes into the room. Its great!

Josh is back at soccer. Kind of. He's coaching indoor two nights a week for club and I think games and tournaments will start in March. School seems to be going well for him and I think he really enjoyed his two weeks of Christmas break :-) Over break we got his office done...FINALLY....and he enjoys hanging out in his new leather lazy boy reading or napping.

And me...well, I'm trying really hard to build routine into our lives. Its still pretty difficult with nursing still taking up a lot of my time. My goal is to cook more, bake more and new things...not the same ole, same ole'. I'm also hoping to be consistent with spinning classes (still trying to line up a babysitter, ugh) to get into a book club and for my own devotions I'm enjoying getting into a new book called "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. are on facebook. I know you can find me there. :-) No one reads this that doesn't also have facebook. Going to try and do a better job of blogging about my kiddos and keeping up with things here on blogspot. Its good for me to go back and remember what has happened. That's about it for now! Happy 2011!

1 comment:

JO said...

NOT TRUE!! I so read your blog and i am off facebook...(but thankfully can hack into my hubby's when in desperate need of pictures/general info/etc. :) love you and your sweet family!