Monday, June 29, 2009

First of all, I am definitely NOT writing this post right now because I have more than enough work to keep me busy in light of the fact that I am leaving for Florida in a few short hours and will be out of my lovely office for seven whole NON- glorious days!

I most certainly did NOT slack off all weekend when I should have been packing/cleaning/ getting ready for our trip. I did NOT take a nap on Saturday AND Sunday AND I definitely did not allow Owen to watch Madagascar AND Veggie Tales both in the same day. Because I never really even let Owen watch TV. He doesn't even know what it is!

I did NOT make three really dumb mistakes playing Euchre with friends on Sunday night which prompted my hubby to question my ability to be his partner. I was NOT smug at all when we won despite my mistakes.

I did NOT make a really dumb money mistake when I accidentally paid both of my student loans TWICE for this know....leaving us LOTS of extra superfluous money for the month. (Oh well, cutting down on that interest, right)?

Lastly, I did NOT freak out and reconsider my decision to attend dinner tonight with my Doctor's and co-workers because I couldn't find anything on the menu that I would eat. Luckily I figured out that I just a little slow and that there actually are alternatives to sushi and duck. Shew. We'll see. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

swonderful said...

Kim!!! You should try sushi. Really. It is the best food ever, right there with peanut butter. :) Have fun in Florida!