Thursday, July 14, 2011

Owen: stats

4 year old well child check up (just a little late) :)

Weight: 30 lbs 2 oz
Height: 39 7/8 inches
BP: 82/50 (they now do blood pressure instead of head measurements! So funny! I guess his head is fine :))

He checked out well. He is decidedly skinny. (in the the third percentile for weight, 25th for height) Our new-ish Pediatrician, Dr Pedersen asked us if Dr. Skafish ever worried about his weight...and we told him that he never had, even though he had fallen off the charts at one point. (Dr. Skafish was our original Pediatrician. He left our practice right after Wes was born to go work exclusively with kids who have ADD/ADHD. I really liked him. He was old school, very wise and very down to earth. He also loved Jesus. We miss him. But Dr. Pedersen is good to. She is young-ish, with three small children of her own so I feel like she can empathize with the stages we are in. Its all good. We are staying put.)
Anyways. The weight thing. Yes. He is skinny. He has always been barely on the charts in weight (except at birth...he was nearly eight lbs at birth!) Josh and I were both small children. He isn't ill, he's just skinny. Dr. Pedersen decided he was fine :)
She did things like: a scoliosis check, blood pressure check, talked about developmental milestones...etc. He checked out fine!

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