Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My Kids Do/Say Funny Stuff Every Day

But I'm not put together enough to get on here every day (or even every other day, apparently) to write it down.

Yesterday, Owen got in the car after I picked him up from school and promptly said "Mom, I'd like to talk about Star Wars if you don't mind" :)

He also told me yesterday that when he got home he was going to change his clothes because that's what dad does. I said, "You and daddy are buddies, aren't you?" He said..."ya, we are. Except I don't know why he spanked me two times" :) I said, "Well buddy, if daddy spanked you its because you were being disobedient." Owen, "Ya, I guess you must be right mom."

And Wes....well, Wes is currently playing with my handheld dust buster and beating on it with a wooden ladle. I should probably go.

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