Monday, August 23, 2010

34 weeks and other stuff

Nothing big to report. The only thing of note is that I haven't gained any weight in the last six weeks. My OB hadn't brought it up, so I decided to ask if she was ok with that and she asked me if I was eating...ha ha....I said yes and she said..."Great, you'll have less weight to loose!" Ok :-) I was hoping to get an extra ultrasound or something to check measurements/growth. Oh well. My blood pressure continues to look good (yay!) and my sugars are also well under control. I'm pretty happy because all of this means less interventions from my OB and definitely less pressure to induce. (although I was given the paperwork on induction at this visit...and I smiled an evil smile and told reminded my OB that I'd be avoiding induction like the plague this time around! She just laughed at me! he he :-)) So, I go back in two weeks and then I start going every week. Crazy, craziness.
On non-related baby is going really well and I'm loving being busy going to games again. Josh's high school team is 2-0 right now....and we spent the weekend at a tournament in Cincinnati for his U-13's (13 year old boys) club team and they did pretty well too. Although watching junior high soccer is much different than high school soccer :-) We also started back to a consistent schedule with youth group. We are senior class sponsors this that is fun!
Other than that...I am in my final countdown with work. With about 6.5 weeks until my due date I am definitely counting down the days until I am done. I will miss my work, but being done is the right decision. I've almost hit my goal of having 10 piano students (I have 7) so teaching will truly take over as my part time job. I'm good with that :-)
Owen is happy and smart and sweet and CRAZY! Three is harder than two FOR SURE! We somehow JUST came to the conclusion that we just have to be super consistent about asking for obedience. He just has to start obeying the first time, every time ALL the time! No more 5-6 warnings! He knows better! Unfortunately discipline is no more fun for me than it is for him and I end up crying with him after spankings! UGH! I have to continually tell myself that this will pay off! Anyways. Prayers. Please. He really is a GOOD boy with such a tender heart, but he's old enough to be continually held accountable for obedience. We can't miss our window of opportunity or I'm really going to want to cry when he's pushing it and I'm sleep deprived because we have a newborn!
Well, time to go! The kitchen won't clean itself! (though I really wish it would!)
Happy Monday! :-)

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