Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wesley-18 months

We went to see Dr. Pedersen for a well-child visit on March 31, 2012. Here are his stats from that visit:

Weight: 22 lbs, 11 oz (33%)
Height: 33 1/2 inches (90 %)
Head: 46 cm (17 %)

I was kind of surprised at where those numbers for weight and height put him on the charts. I honestly thought he would have been lower on the charts for height and higher for weight. He seems short and stocky to me.....who knows.

Wes is crazy. I've mentioned that, I realize. He seems to behave better for Josh, and gives me the brunt of his wrath....and still showers me with sweetness and love fairly often. I'll talk about the negative first and end with the positive.
He has started-biting, head-butting and hitting when he doesn't get his way. I have, unfortunately been hit several times in the face by him when I have told him "no" and I've also been bitten a few times on my shoulder when he has reacted angrily to a situation. He has bitten Owen once. :( Figuring out the best way to handle his outbursts is still a bit of a problem. We are trying :) Pray for us. (and Wes! Clearly a sinner who needs grace! ha!)
Positive--he has a for sure sweet side. Still likes to snuggle with me before bed and sing songs, and his favorite book is "five little monkey's jumping on the bed" to which he will bang his head with his hand and shake his finger when the Dr. says "no more monkey's jumping on the bed!". He will often pass out multiple, open mouthed kisses when we snuggle before bed...and still loves his blanky and light-up seahorse to snuggle with in bed.
I think we are at the brink of his language explosion. He is busting out new words every day. A few that come to mind are:
"Ooooooo" (for Owen)
"cheese" (to take a picture)

there are more...and he's clearly trying daily to communicate more by mimicking us.

He loves to be outside. He loves to do anything that he big brother does. He LOVES his dad! He loves chicken nuggets, milk and raisins.
He is my fireball. I try not to get nervous for what is in store for us in terms of his temper...but I'm HOPING that with age will come some calmness and the ability to reason with him a bit more :) We'll see.
Regardless of any hard time, any frustrating moments...we love you Wesley J! You are fun and spirit and we are so glad you belong to us!