Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Brunch 2009... I think blogspot is pretty annoying in terms of trying to arrange I'm done. They aren't really in order. But sill enjoyable I think.

This is our third Annual High School Friends Christmas Brunch. Every year new kids are added. Its so fun. Can you believe all of the kids? And we were even missing baby Jack (Hassenzahl)!
We have a great time catching up and reminiscing...and chasing our monkey children around the house...and keeping them from killing each other. Always fun. Just for fun, here is a recap of what we are all up to:

Corinne Montieth-Taylor: (Broadripple) in the middle of a job change, mom to Katie (3) and Carter (2)
Anna Hassenzahl (Gibbs): (Brownsburg) Stay at home mom, mom to Kate (3) and Jack (11 months)..due with baby #3 in May!
Laura Sharbaugh (Snyder): (Clearwater, Florida)Stay at home mom/part time technology/computer educator for Lakeside Christian School, mom of twins Mackenna and Micah (5 months)
Missy Culpepper (Wilhite): (Centralia, Il)I'm not sure how to title her job position. She does something really cool...she teaches abstinence in the public schools. Proud mom to two loving cats and looking forward to taking a mission trip to Haiti next year!
Amy Grissom(Standish): (Brownsburg) Stay at home mom and co-owner of Rogue Art Photography, mom to Ella (2) and another one on the way in August!
Julie Rust(Krueger): (wasn't able to make it, but she and Brandon are now an Indianapolis residents!Yay!) Julie works at Nelson's Jewelry store in Brownsburg and is expecting her first in August!

As you can tell...our lives are a bit different from our lazy days of Bethesda Highschool. Its so fun to reconnect and laugh about the good times and encourage each other through the hard times. I'm so thankful that we've all for the most part been able to stay in touch! So very cool!

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